AR-15 for sale near me

Buy AR-15 near me
Where to Buy AR-15 near me
Buy AR-15 near me.The AR-15 is one of the most popular sporting rifles for many reasons. Here’s what we think are the top three:
1. Used by the US Military
Or rather, it looks like the M4’s and M16’s used by the US military.
The civilian AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle compared to the automatic/select fire capabilities of the military versions.
That means one press of the trigger is a single PEW! instead of a fully-automatic where a single press of the trigger will be a continuous stream of PEW! PEW! PEW! until you let go.
Admit it…there’s a little coolness factor in holding the symbol of America’s might
2. Shootability
The AR-15 is very light recoiling when chambered in its native 5.56x45mm round. And is also very ergonomic when compared to other popular rifles such as the AK-47.
Check me out dumping 10 rounds on a PSA…
3. Modular Design
The AR-15 consists primarily of two large segments, the lower receiver…
And the upper receiver, which can be swapped out in a matter of seconds.

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